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What is Guyana Together About?

We represent a movement of supporters, brought together by our passion to realize a truly equal society.

The Guyana Together campaign aims to achieve greater acceptance levels among Guyanese and reduce the level of stigma and prejudice by telling stories of real people who have found acceptance and support from family, coworkers, neighbours, friends and religious leaders. This campaign aims to grow public support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, since we believe it’s time to spark a national conversation about the importance of treating all Guyanese with respect and understand that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are no different from us and should not be treated differently.

Stories shared during the Guyana Together campaign are stories from real Guyanese people – the families, colleagues, neighbours and friends of lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender persons explaining why they believe it’s time to treat lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons with respect. Through the Guyana Together social media pages we invite lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons with accepting family members and friends to share their stories with us.

How does Guyana together engage the public?

This campaign will use the messages, experiences and stories shared to educate persons who are not accepting towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons to further raise the level of acceptance in Guyana while reducing the level of stigma and discrimination.

Social Media

Our social media plays a positive part in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community with the likes of Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram acting as a comfortable place for members of the community to talk and be heard. Whether it be using social media platforms as a place to get advice, raise awareness, share experiences, support others or even come out to friends and family, we use this space to shed light on their stories and experiences to bring awareness to the public.


Our website brings comprehensive lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender inclusive sexual health education and online spaces that allow privacy while exploring these topics in depth. They also provide resources for issues such as coming out, affirming mental health support, navigating same-sex relationships, or transgender and non-binary identities.


We utilize the local radio to address various issues impacting the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and our allies. Here we are able to discuss and raise awareness about local lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender news and events, but also offer our perspective on national news.


Representation matters, with the use of characters and stories told to the public using TV, we are able to bring awareness to the public visually.
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